Interfacing to the IBM

IDE Devices on 8-bit machines

I put this page up here hoping that I would attract a few techies that have successfully interfaced a computer or two to something else, like say - a home CD player, a VCR, another computers hardware, etc. I love to try these things, but don't quite have the knowledge or experience to do it. So, I'm hoping to find someone out there who does. I own a couple of Timex's, C=64's, a C=128D, a couple of Amiga 500's, some old 8088/8086's and some older hardware.

Below are items that I am either interested in accomplishing some time in the future or am currently attempting and then my "Wish List" followed by some related interfacing links.



Upgrade a Timex to a higher operating speed,
via a clock-doubler or such. Of special interest
to me is the new OS ROM available for the
Timex that gives it a DOS-command like
operating environment.
Interface my 286 or 386 to a micro-controller and
control a home-built robot. I am still needing to
figure out a few things before I get started on this
project though. Any help would be greatly apprec-
Increase Timex on-board memory capacity
Add a full-size keyboard to the Timex
Add a floppy, MFM or IDE hard drive to the
Timex (or connect it to a 8086/286/386 that
already utilizes such drives and floppies -via
RS-232 means or however possible).
Would also like to put a Timex inside an AT type
Placing a C-64 in AT type case with the 1571,
1581, 512K RAM-UNIT, Battery-Back Up RTC,
and some kind of hard drive.


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